Thursday, January 25, 2007

eProp Rental Barometer – Jan 2007: Real growth experienced

24 Jan 2007 - heysa Research - Marc Schneider

The level of broad commercial property rental growth as reflected in the eProp Rental Barometer is encouraging.
The eProp National Commercial Rental Barometer has grown by 10.3% in January 2007 compared with a year earlier. At the outset, it must be stressed that the data covers all grades and location of space and, as an aggregate, serves as a broad indication of rental direction for the country, and therefore, is not necessarily reflective of market rental levels per se.

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eProp Rental Barometer – Jan 2007: Real growth experienced

24 Jan 2007 - heysa Research - Marc Schneider

The level of broad commercial property rental growth as reflected in the eProp Rental Barometer is encouraging.
The eProp National Commercial Rental Barometer has grown by 10.3% in January 2007 compared with a year earlier. At the outset, it must be stressed that the data covers all grades and location of space and, as an aggregate, serves as a broad indication of rental direction for the country, and therefore, is not necessarily reflective of market rental levels per se.

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Heysa will soon be coming into its own.....
Email for more info.

RPPI Stats for Pietermaritzburg 2006

The Institute of Estate Agents South Africa Pietermaritzburg & Interior Region hereby supplies the following stats from its Residential Property Price Indicator for the Pietermaritzburg area;

Jan2005 to Dec 2005 Jan2006 to Dec 2006
1.No. of House Sales 979 798
Average Sales Price R591921.00 R811686.00
% Increase in selling price 37%
2.No. of Sectional Title Sales 876 953
Average Sales Price R456828.00 R526029.00
% Increase in selling price 15%
3.No. of Land Sales 131 145
Average Sales Price R279003.00 R399846.00
% Increase in selling price 43%

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Friday, January 12, 2007

US property slump starts to bite into economy

FOR two months now, the commentary following the retail sales report has been that apart from garage sales, which are depressed because of falling fuel prices, US consumer spending is holding up well.
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Hope for Landlords with Bad Tenants

Owners frustrated with errant tenants refusing to pay rents or disobeying in- house regulations should take solace that the Rental Housing Tribunal offers a legal recourse outside the courts.
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Herewith documents and dates for comment:

Housing Amendment Bill – COMMENT DUE 2 FEB
PIE Act Amendment Bill - COMMENT DUE 2 FEB
Rental Housing Amendment Bill - COMMENT DUE 2 FEB
Integrated Coastal Management Bill - COMMENT DUE 15 MARCH

There are also a couple of additional documents, which may be of interest:

Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure Act - (deadline for comment passed 29 December)
Housing Consumers Protection Measures Amendment Bill - (deadline for comment passed 26 September)

Call Calvin Govender for more info.

Drop in house prices would not derail economic growth — OECD

The global economy will weather a decline in house prices, which may have reached “unsustainable highs” in countries including the US and Spain, says the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Standard Bank says property prices are virtually stagnating

The South African housing market continues to slow, even though the strong downward trend is, from time to time, masked somewhat by volatility in the monthly data, according to Standard Bank’s latest Residential Property Gauge.

read more....


The KwaZulu-Natal residential property market remains strong with the region still enjoying solid demand in spite of the first interest rate increase some six months ago followed by two more since, according to Andrew Golding, CE of Pam Golding Property.

If u'd like to know more, please email


Yours in property

Calvin Govender

Monday, January 8, 2007


Would u like to

1.sell your property ?

2.Rent your property ?

We offer a free service (no obligation) to homeowners who would like to sell,rent or lease their apartments. Did we mentions its free!!!


If u'd like to know more, please email


Kindly make use of this FREE service :)

and and may you and your loved ones hav a safe and happy festive season.

Yours in property

Calvin Govender