Monday, March 5, 2007

Hyde Park mansion sold for record price

Reflecting a new buoyancy at the upper end of the residential property market, a spectacular mansion in Johannesburg's luxurious Hyde Park area has just been sold for a record R28,25m.
read more at heysa free property listings....

Interest rate likely to stay for rest of year

The real estate industry is one of high pressure and huge demand. It's also an industry in which professionals are typically quite isolated, working by themselves in the face of stiff competition for mandates and sales.
Read more at heysa free property listings...

Success or Failure? - It All Comes Down to Your Marketing

STUART, FL - It's no secret that Internet usage in the home search process has steadily increased over the past decade. In fact, according to the National Association of Realtors(R)' (NAR) 2006 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, the overall usage of the Internet is "up from 71% in 2003 to 80% in 2006, but the percentage of buyers who reported that they used the Internet frequently has risen from 42% to 59% over the same period."

Thursday, February 22, 2007


This is an Excerpt from a speech by Guy Lundy of Dimension Data Business Solutions:

Below is a speech I gave the other night. It went down so well with the audience that a number of people asked me for copies of it. So I thought I may as well share it with other people too so they can spread the message, especially those living overseas and those who care about spreading a positive message about South Africa. "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Many years ago I was an exchange student in the USA, and every morning in my school, as in all schools across America, all classes came to a halt as the Pledge of Allegiance came over the loudspeaker system and every student stood to repeat these words. I was quite amazed by this display of daily brainwashing in so-called "land of the free". But in hindsight it isn't actually that amazing, because we've all experienced how Americans are just so proud to be American. No matter how big their problems, and heaven knows they've got a lot of them, Americans will still spend hours telling you how fantastic their country is, and in fact, how it is better than, pretty much anywhere else in the world. What a contrast then, when I later spent a few years in London and I ended up actively avoiding other South Africans. Why? Because frankly their negativity about our homeland irritated me so much! These people who will gladly put new South African flags on their cars and support a whole cottage industry importing biltong and NikNaks to munch on as they cheer on the Springboks at Twickenham, will spend hours telling anyone who will listen just how awful it is in South Africa, how lucky they are to be in London and how they are never going back because it's in such a mess. At the time I put it down to the fact that they were justifying why they were holed up in their dingy little flats under grey London skies while their friends and family enjoyed the sunshine on Camps Bay beach. However, when I came home, expecting to be greeted by the smiles of new South Africans everywhere, I was very disappointed to find that exactly the same attitude is pervasive right here. The number of people, who asked me why I came back here and why on earth I had brought my French wife with me, simply amazed me. I would have thought the answer was perfectly obvious. I was later very disturbed, although not surprised, to hear that our president found it necessary to make a point to South African businessmen that they should stop running down their own country on overseas business trips. Can anyone tell me what it is that makes sense about running down your own home to foreign people that you would like to visit here and invest here? It seems to me like inviting your boss to dinner at your house in the hope of getting a promotion but discouraging him from coming because you're a terrible cook and your dog bites. Yes, we have problems, but so does everybody else. Sure, the Rand is down the toilet, but if you look closely enough, you'll see that just about every other emerging market country has suffered from the same woes - and that includes Australia and New Zealand, which everyone seems in such a rush to get to. And aren't we lucky that we aren't living in Argentina with their currency crisis? Sure, our neighbour, Zimbabwe, is run by a mad, despotic fool, but man am I glad that I'm not a Pakistani. We have AIDS and we also have an army of people trying to find a cure for it * possibly more vigorously than anywhere else since we have the most to lose from it. We do have corruption, and the Americans have George W. Bush, whether they like it or not. We've got all sorts of problems, yes, but must we be so hard on ourselves? In many ways we are far better off in South Africa as a whole than we have been at any time in our history. Our people are getting educated and housed at a world-beating rate, we have amongst the world's cheapest electricity, our inflation is the lowest it's been in my lifetime, we have an economic growth rate and there is development everywhere you look. We have so much going for us; we have so many good people, such an interesting mix of cultures; we have so much beautiful countryside and natural resources that we can draw from - we really have such a bright future ahead of us. Let us concentrate on the positive things that surround us every day, the sunshine, the people, the beauty, and the progress. Constantly criticising our country can only do harm for you personally, your personal feeling of happiness and well-being and for the country that you know from the bottom of your heart that you love, otherwise you wouldn't be here. Ladies and Gentlemen, I implore you, do not run down South Africa, neither at home nor overseas. Become ambassadors for your country. Welcome foreign guests and point out how far we have come and how far we're going to go how they need to watch out for us on the world stage. And if you're overseas on business or holiday (if you can afford it), tell people how much South Africa has going for it and invite them to come and see for themselves. I have devised my own pledge of allegiance and I'd like to repeat it to you now : "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the Republic of South Africa and to the interesting people, places and idiosyncrasies for which it stands, one nation under several religions, languages and cultures, yet indivisible, with freedom, basic needs and progress for all." That is my pledge of allegiance to my home, our home. I pledge to help others see what is so good about it. Our Beloved Country!!! South Africa, almost alone amongst emerging market economies, is set to escape virtually unscathed from the latest bout of investor panic sweeping the developing world's fragile economies (The Times, London, August 2001) The SA banking sector has been consistently ranked in the top 10 in terms of competitiveness (MD, Switzerland). When Nelson Mandela was inaugurated President in 1994, SA was insolvent (liabilities exceeded assets). Today the Government's deficit is negligible - one of only a handful of countries in this position. We've had single digit inflation since 1993 - following 20 years of double-digit inflation. Mortgage rates are at their lowest level since 1988. South Africa is one of only 12 countries, where we can drink water from a tap. Our tap water was found to be the 3rd best quality in the entire world. Remember 15 years ago, in 1986: A state of emergency was declared. White men did two years compulsory military service. 64 184 black people were removed from "white areas" * 3989 people were detained without trial * Our economic growth rate was 0.7 percent - today it is 3% * 64 countries had sports boycotts against SA!!! South African wines win international awards every year and we have the longest wine route in the world. Nelson Mandela, an international icon of forgiveness, tolerance, and humanity is our favourite son. The Kruger Park has the most innovative management of a national park anywhere in the world - and is the world's most profitable game park. Eskom is the largest producer of coal-fired electricity in the world and South Africans pay the least for electricity in the world. South African Breweries is the 4th largest brewer in the world and produces over 50% of China's beer! Mercedes Benz C Class, BMW 3 Series and VW Golf/Jetta vehicles for all right-hand drive markets throughout the world are produced in South Africa. Didata grew from a local IT service provider into a huge, global networking company with branches in 30 countries. The Cape Peninsula has more species of plants here per hectare than any other area of the world. And our very own free property listings website....Heysa. Magnificent highways, warm, friendly, vibrant rainbow people! The world's most progressive Constitution Kreepy Kraulies - a South African invention - Mrs Ball's chutney and biltong. The world's best looking population. "For every guy who holds up a gun, there are 99 who hold out a hand of friendship" - Dennis Beckett, journalist. This is something I've never done, but after reading this, all I ask from you is to send this on, to your friends, family and others. Let us in this way deal with our negatives and let us try to be positive. By being positive we can continue to go far in life and we can all strive for a better and more positive life and country. Regards to you all, peace, and positive thinking - that's the way to go!

Fully endorsed : Calvin Govender of Heysa



This is an Excerpt from a speech by Guy Lundy of Dimension Data Business Solutions:

Below is a speech I gave the other night. It went down so well with the audience that a number of people asked me for copies of it. So I thought I may as well share it with other people too so they can spread the message, especially those living overseas and those who care about spreading a positive message about South Africa. "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Many years ago I was an exchange student in the USA, and every morning in my school, as in all schools across America, all classes came to a halt as the Pledge of Allegiance came over the loudspeaker system and every student stood to repeat these words. I was quite amazed by this display of daily brainwashing in so-called "land of the free". But in hindsight it isn't actually that amazing, because we've all experienced how Americans are just so proud to be American. No matter how big their problems, and heaven knows they've got a lot of them, Americans will still spend hours telling you how fantastic their country is, and in fact, how it is better than, pretty much anywhere else in the world. What a contrast then, when I later spent a few years in London and I ended up actively avoiding other South Africans. Why? Because frankly their negativity about our homeland irritated me so much! These people who will gladly put new South African flags on their cars and support a whole cottage industry importing biltong and NikNaks to munch on as they cheer on the Springboks at Twickenham, will spend hours telling anyone who will listen just how awful it is in South Africa, how lucky they are to be in London and how they are never going back because it's in such a mess. At the time I put it down to the fact that they were justifying why they were holed up in their dingy little flats under grey London skies while their friends and family enjoyed the sunshine on Camps Bay beach. However, when I came home, expecting to be greeted by the smiles of new South Africans everywhere, I was very disappointed to find that exactly the same attitude is pervasive right here. The number of people, who asked me why I came back here and why on earth I had brought my French wife with me, simply amazed me. I would have thought the answer was perfectly obvious. I was later very disturbed, although not surprised, to hear that our president found it necessary to make a point to South African businessmen that they should stop running down their own country on overseas business trips. Can anyone tell me what it is that makes sense about running down your own home to foreign people that you would like to visit here and invest here? It seems to me like inviting your boss to dinner at your house in the hope of getting a promotion but discouraging him from coming because you're a terrible cook and your dog bites. Yes, we have problems, but so does everybody else. Sure, the Rand is down the toilet, but if you look closely enough, you'll see that just about every other emerging market country has suffered from the same woes - and that includes Australia and New Zealand, which everyone seems in such a rush to get to. And aren't we lucky that we aren't living in Argentina with their currency crisis? Sure, our neighbour, Zimbabwe, is run by a mad, despotic fool, but man am I glad that I'm not a Pakistani. We have AIDS and we also have an army of people trying to find a cure for it * possibly more vigorously than anywhere else since we have the most to lose from it. We do have corruption, and the Americans have George W. Bush, whether they like it or not. We've got all sorts of problems, yes, but must we be so hard on ourselves? In many ways we are far better off in South Africa as a whole than we have been at any time in our history. Our people are getting educated and housed at a world-beating rate, we have amongst the world's cheapest electricity, our inflation is the lowest it's been in my lifetime, we have an economic growth rate and there is development everywhere you look. We have so much going for us; we have so many good people, such an interesting mix of cultures; we have so much beautiful countryside and natural resources that we can draw from - we really have such a bright future ahead of us. Let us concentrate on the positive things that surround us every day, the sunshine, the people, the beauty, and the progress. Constantly criticising our country can only do harm for you personally, your personal feeling of happiness and well-being and for the country that you know from the bottom of your heart that you love, otherwise you wouldn't be here. Ladies and Gentlemen, I implore you, do not run down South Africa, neither at home nor overseas. Become ambassadors for your country. Welcome foreign guests and point out how far we have come and how far we're going to go how they need to watch out for us on the world stage. And if you're overseas on business or holiday (if you can afford it), tell people how much South Africa has going for it and invite them to come and see for themselves. I have devised my own pledge of allegiance and I'd like to repeat it to you now : "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the Republic of South Africa and to the interesting people, places and idiosyncrasies for which it stands, one nation under several religions, languages and cultures, yet indivisible, with freedom, basic needs and progress for all." That is my pledge of allegiance to my home, our home. I pledge to help others see what is so good about it. Our Beloved Country!!! South Africa, almost alone amongst emerging market economies, is set to escape virtually unscathed from the latest bout of investor panic sweeping the developing world's fragile economies (The Times, London, August 2001) The SA banking sector has been consistently ranked in the top 10 in terms of competitiveness (MD, Switzerland). When Nelson Mandela was inaugurated President in 1994, SA was insolvent (liabilities exceeded assets). Today the Government's deficit is negligible - one of only a handful of countries in this position. We've had single digit inflation since 1993 - following 20 years of double-digit inflation. Mortgage rates are at their lowest level since 1988. South Africa is one of only 12 countries, where we can drink water from a tap. Our tap water was found to be the 3rd best quality in the entire world. Remember 15 years ago, in 1986: A state of emergency was declared. White men did two years compulsory military service. 64 184 black people were removed from "white areas" * 3989 people were detained without trial * Our economic growth rate was 0.7 percent - today it is 3% * 64 countries had sports boycotts against SA!!! South African wines win international awards every year and we have the longest wine route in the world. Nelson Mandela, an international icon of forgiveness, tolerance, and humanity is our favourite son. The Kruger Park has the most innovative management of a national park anywhere in the world - and is the world's most profitable game park. Eskom is the largest producer of coal-fired electricity in the world and South Africans pay the least for electricity in the world. South African Breweries is the 4th largest brewer in the world and produces over 50% of China's beer! Mercedes Benz C Class, BMW 3 Series and VW Golf/Jetta vehicles for all right-hand drive markets throughout the world are produced in South Africa. Didata grew from a local IT service provider into a huge, global networking company with branches in 30 countries. The Cape Peninsula has more species of plants here per hectare than any other area of the world. And our very own free property listings website....Heysa. Magnificent highways, warm, friendly, vibrant rainbow people! The world's most progressive Constitution Kreepy Kraulies - a South African invention - Mrs Ball's chutney and biltong. The world's best looking population. "For every guy who holds up a gun, there are 99 who hold out a hand of friendship" - Dennis Beckett, journalist. This is something I've never done, but after reading this, all I ask from you is to send this on, to your friends, family and others. Let us in this way deal with our negatives and let us try to be positive. By being positive we can continue to go far in life and we can all strive for a better and more positive life and country. Regards to you all, peace, and positive thinking - that's the way to go!

Fully endorsed : Calvin Govender of Heysa



This is an Excerpt from a speech by Guy Lundy of Dimension Data Business Solutions:

Below is a speech I gave the other night. It went down so well with the audience that a number of people asked me for copies of it. So I thought I may as well share it with other people too so they can spread the message, especially those living overseas and those who care about spreading a positive message about South Africa. "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Many years ago I was an exchange student in the USA, and every morning in my school, as in all schools across America, all classes came to a halt as the Pledge of Allegiance came over the loudspeaker system and every student stood to repeat these words. I was quite amazed by this display of daily brainwashing in so-called "land of the free". But in hindsight it isn't actually that amazing, because we've all experienced how Americans are just so proud to be American. No matter how big their problems, and heaven knows they've got a lot of them, Americans will still spend hours telling you how fantastic their country is, and in fact, how it is better than, pretty much anywhere else in the world. What a contrast then, when I later spent a few years in London and I ended up actively avoiding other South Africans. Why? Because frankly their negativity about our homeland irritated me so much! These people who will gladly put new South African flags on their cars and support a whole cottage industry importing biltong and NikNaks to munch on as they cheer on the Springboks at Twickenham, will spend hours telling anyone who will listen just how awful it is in South Africa, how lucky they are to be in London and how they are never going back because it's in such a mess. At the time I put it down to the fact that they were justifying why they were holed up in their dingy little flats under grey London skies while their friends and family enjoyed the sunshine on Camps Bay beach. However, when I came home, expecting to be greeted by the smiles of new South Africans everywhere, I was very disappointed to find that exactly the same attitude is pervasive right here. The number of people, who asked me why I came back here and why on earth I had brought my French wife with me, simply amazed me. I would have thought the answer was perfectly obvious. I was later very disturbed, although not surprised, to hear that our president found it necessary to make a point to South African businessmen that they should stop running down their own country on overseas business trips. Can anyone tell me what it is that makes sense about running down your own home to foreign people that you would like to visit here and invest here? It seems to me like inviting your boss to dinner at your house in the hope of getting a promotion but discouraging him from coming because you're a terrible cook and your dog bites. Yes, we have problems, but so does everybody else. Sure, the Rand is down the toilet, but if you look closely enough, you'll see that just about every other emerging market country has suffered from the same woes - and that includes Australia and New Zealand, which everyone seems in such a rush to get to. And aren't we lucky that we aren't living in Argentina with their currency crisis? Sure, our neighbour, Zimbabwe, is run by a mad, despotic fool, but man am I glad that I'm not a Pakistani. We have AIDS and we also have an army of people trying to find a cure for it * possibly more vigorously than anywhere else since we have the most to lose from it. We do have corruption, and the Americans have George W. Bush, whether they like it or not. We've got all sorts of problems, yes, but must we be so hard on ourselves? In many ways we are far better off in South Africa as a whole than we have been at any time in our history. Our people are getting educated and housed at a world-beating rate, we have amongst the world's cheapest electricity, our inflation is the lowest it's been in my lifetime, we have an economic growth rate and there is development everywhere you look. We have so much going for us; we have so many good people, such an interesting mix of cultures; we have so much beautiful countryside and natural resources that we can draw from - we really have such a bright future ahead of us. Let us concentrate on the positive things that surround us every day, the sunshine, the people, the beauty, and the progress. Constantly criticising our country can only do harm for you personally, your personal feeling of happiness and well-being and for the country that you know from the bottom of your heart that you love, otherwise you wouldn't be here. Ladies and Gentlemen, I implore you, do not run down South Africa, neither at home nor overseas. Become ambassadors for your country. Welcome foreign guests and point out how far we have come and how far we're going to go how they need to watch out for us on the world stage. And if you're overseas on business or holiday (if you can afford it), tell people how much South Africa has going for it and invite them to come and see for themselves. I have devised my own pledge of allegiance and I'd like to repeat it to you now : "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the Republic of South Africa and to the interesting people, places and idiosyncrasies for which it stands, one nation under several religions, languages and cultures, yet indivisible, with freedom, basic needs and progress for all." That is my pledge of allegiance to my home, our home. I pledge to help others see what is so good about it. Our Beloved Country!!! South Africa, almost alone amongst emerging market economies, is set to escape virtually unscathed from the latest bout of investor panic sweeping the developing world's fragile economies (The Times, London, August 2001) The SA banking sector has been consistently ranked in the top 10 in terms of competitiveness (MD, Switzerland). When Nelson Mandela was inaugurated President in 1994, SA was insolvent (liabilities exceeded assets). Today the Government's deficit is negligible - one of only a handful of countries in this position. We've had single digit inflation since 1993 - following 20 years of double-digit inflation. Mortgage rates are at their lowest level since 1988. South Africa is one of only 12 countries, where we can drink water from a tap. Our tap water was found to be the 3rd best quality in the entire world. Remember 15 years ago, in 1986: A state of emergency was declared. White men did two years compulsory military service. 64 184 black people were removed from "white areas" * 3989 people were detained without trial * Our economic growth rate was 0.7 percent - today it is 3% * 64 countries had sports boycotts against SA!!! South African wines win international awards every year and we have the longest wine route in the world. Nelson Mandela, an international icon of forgiveness, tolerance, and humanity is our favourite son. The Kruger Park has the most innovative management of a national park anywhere in the world - and is the world's most profitable game park. Eskom is the largest producer of coal-fired electricity in the world and South Africans pay the least for electricity in the world. South African Breweries is the 4th largest brewer in the world and produces over 50% of China's beer! Mercedes Benz C Class, BMW 3 Series and VW Golf/Jetta vehicles for all right-hand drive markets throughout the world are produced in South Africa. Didata grew from a local IT service provider into a huge, global networking company with branches in 30 countries. The Cape Peninsula has more species of plants here per hectare than any other area of the world. And our very own free property listings website....Heysa. Magnificent highways, warm, friendly, vibrant rainbow people! The world's most progressive Constitution Kreepy Kraulies - a South African invention - Mrs Ball's chutney and biltong. The world's best looking population. "For every guy who holds up a gun, there are 99 who hold out a hand of friendship" - Dennis Beckett, journalist. This is something I've never done, but after reading this, all I ask from you is to send this on, to your friends, family and others. Let us in this way deal with our negatives and let us try to be positive. By being positive we can continue to go far in life and we can all strive for a better and more positive life and country. Regards to you all, peace, and positive thinking - that's the way to go!

Fully endorsed : Calvin Govender of Heysa


Friday, February 16, 2007

Sunday Tribune proves if price is right it sells

Two major residential developments recently launched and publicised in the Sunday Tribune Property Guide have recorded excellent market take-up.

Demand still strong for lower priced units

An indicator of the continued potency of demand in KwaZulu-Natal’s lower price markets comes from the speedy sell-outs of two large sectional title developments launched hundreds of kilometres apart in the province last weekend. Both projects posted sold.

Buyers seeking out 'walkable' neighborhoods

Traffic congestion and the resulting waste of time is arguably the number one daily frustration now for most South Africans. Small wonder then that a new trend towards “walkable” communities is fast gaining enough momentum to cause a major shift in property buying patterns


Friday, February 2, 2007

Flat rents show biggest rise in three years

Apartment rentals have notched up their biggest rise in three years, according to the latest information from national residential property management company Trafalgar.


Thursday, February 1, 2007

Be quick for these Northdene homes

Only five units are still available in Afrika Gardens, a small, upmarket sectional title development in the desirable Queensburgh suburb of Northdene, to the north west of Durban.


Supply side may drive recovery in residential property prices from 2008

Pretoria - A turnaround in the softening residential property market was expected in 2008, John Loos, a property strategist at FNB Commercial Banking, said yesterday.

Tenant evictions now easier

New amendments will free landlords from having to obtain a court order to evict defaulting tenants. The long-delayed amendments to the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and unlawful occupation of Land Act (PIE Act) of 1998, has finally been published in the Government Gazette for public comment, says Bill Rawson, Chairman of Rawson Properties.


Thursday, January 25, 2007

eProp Rental Barometer – Jan 2007: Real growth experienced

24 Jan 2007 - heysa Research - Marc Schneider

The level of broad commercial property rental growth as reflected in the eProp Rental Barometer is encouraging.
The eProp National Commercial Rental Barometer has grown by 10.3% in January 2007 compared with a year earlier. At the outset, it must be stressed that the data covers all grades and location of space and, as an aggregate, serves as a broad indication of rental direction for the country, and therefore, is not necessarily reflective of market rental levels per se.

Read more....

eProp Rental Barometer – Jan 2007: Real growth experienced

24 Jan 2007 - heysa Research - Marc Schneider

The level of broad commercial property rental growth as reflected in the eProp Rental Barometer is encouraging.
The eProp National Commercial Rental Barometer has grown by 10.3% in January 2007 compared with a year earlier. At the outset, it must be stressed that the data covers all grades and location of space and, as an aggregate, serves as a broad indication of rental direction for the country, and therefore, is not necessarily reflective of market rental levels per se.

Read more....

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Heysa will soon be coming into its own.....
Email for more info.

RPPI Stats for Pietermaritzburg 2006

The Institute of Estate Agents South Africa Pietermaritzburg & Interior Region hereby supplies the following stats from its Residential Property Price Indicator for the Pietermaritzburg area;

Jan2005 to Dec 2005 Jan2006 to Dec 2006
1.No. of House Sales 979 798
Average Sales Price R591921.00 R811686.00
% Increase in selling price 37%
2.No. of Sectional Title Sales 876 953
Average Sales Price R456828.00 R526029.00
% Increase in selling price 15%
3.No. of Land Sales 131 145
Average Sales Price R279003.00 R399846.00
% Increase in selling price 43%

Read more....

Friday, January 12, 2007

US property slump starts to bite into economy

FOR two months now, the commentary following the retail sales report has been that apart from garage sales, which are depressed because of falling fuel prices, US consumer spending is holding up well.
Read more....

Hope for Landlords with Bad Tenants

Owners frustrated with errant tenants refusing to pay rents or disobeying in- house regulations should take solace that the Rental Housing Tribunal offers a legal recourse outside the courts.
Read more ....

Herewith documents and dates for comment:

Housing Amendment Bill – COMMENT DUE 2 FEB
PIE Act Amendment Bill - COMMENT DUE 2 FEB
Rental Housing Amendment Bill - COMMENT DUE 2 FEB
Integrated Coastal Management Bill - COMMENT DUE 15 MARCH

There are also a couple of additional documents, which may be of interest:

Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure Act - (deadline for comment passed 29 December)
Housing Consumers Protection Measures Amendment Bill - (deadline for comment passed 26 September)

Call Calvin Govender for more info.

Drop in house prices would not derail economic growth — OECD

The global economy will weather a decline in house prices, which may have reached “unsustainable highs” in countries including the US and Spain, says the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Standard Bank says property prices are virtually stagnating

The South African housing market continues to slow, even though the strong downward trend is, from time to time, masked somewhat by volatility in the monthly data, according to Standard Bank’s latest Residential Property Gauge.

read more....


The KwaZulu-Natal residential property market remains strong with the region still enjoying solid demand in spite of the first interest rate increase some six months ago followed by two more since, according to Andrew Golding, CE of Pam Golding Property.

If u'd like to know more, please email


Yours in property

Calvin Govender

Monday, January 8, 2007


Would u like to

1.sell your property ?

2.Rent your property ?

We offer a free service (no obligation) to homeowners who would like to sell,rent or lease their apartments. Did we mentions its free!!!


If u'd like to know more, please email


Kindly make use of this FREE service :)

and and may you and your loved ones hav a safe and happy festive season.

Yours in property

Calvin Govender